Wasted! The Story of Food Waste

A documentary film which premiered at Tribeca Film Festival that exposes the criminality of food waste, and shows us how we can individually make small changes to solve one of the greatest problems of the 21st Century.

ClientZero Point Zero Production Inc.

My coworker and I designed and constructed a 9’x5’ miniature set, which would be featured in the title sequence of the film. We started with a wooden base, which was covered with chicken wire and plaster, and finally detailed with train model set materials. The houses, roads, signs, fences, and telephone poles were all painstakingly handcrafted to realistically depict a typical suburban neighborhood. The titles “Wasted!” text was composed of actual rotting food, which I collected and dressed the set with, before helping shoot the final product.

Collaborator: Naoko Saito

In tangent with this, I also built these maps, and stop-motion animated them to illustrate which geographic locations waste the most of a particular grain.

Trailer for the film:

“Use everything, waste nothing.”
-Tony Bourdain

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