Guillermo Del Toro, Childhood Stories

An interview with the illustrious director in an episode of Elvis Goes There.


I had the privilege of illustrating three of Del Toro’s unique and terrifying childhood stories, which he tells in detail during his interview with Elvis Mitchell.

The Raven
Guillermo once owned pet Raven named Alfred, which his mother accidentally killed by asking pest control to fumigate it.

Lucid Dreaming
“I accept the fantastic as completely normal. This is the most Mexican thing about me…”
Guillermo tells of monsters that come to life in his waking dreams.

Car Crash
The horrifying and chaotic nature of life and death becomes very real for Guillermo at a very young age, when he bears witness to a gruesome car crash on the side of the road.

View the entire episode on Epix: Season 1 Episode 4, Elvis Goes There